Dental Bleaching

Bleaching – whitening teeth gently

Dentists can gently whiten individual or entire rows of teeth with sophisticated methods and active ingredients. In dentistry, this is known as bleaching.

Dental Bleaching

Healthy teeth, happy life – make dental care a priority!

Easy treatment

A safe and effective way to lighten the color of your teeth.

Great results

Dental bleaching can brighten up your teeth to eight shades.

Quick process

The bleaching process takes usually about an hour or two.

Better overall appearance

Bleaching can improve discolored or stained teeth.

Non-invasive procedure

Bleaching can be done without any pain or discomfort.

Boosts self-confidence

A brighter and more attractive smile can help boost self-confidence.

Dental Bleaching

Brightening your smile with dental bleaching

Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening, is a process of lightening the color of your teeth. The process is often used to improve the appearance of discolored or stained teeth.

Bleaching can effectively remove or reduce stains and discoloration on the teeth, resulting in a brighter and more attractive smile.

Improve the appearance of discolored or stained teeth.

The principle of bleaching is based on lightening the dark color pigments with special substances containing carbamide or hydrogen peroxide. Depending on the procedure, the teeth can be lightened by between two and eight color levels as required and desired. Which method the dentist uses depends on the cause and extent of the discoloration.

Dental Bleaching

Understanding the benefits and risks of dental bleaching

Bleaching is generally safe, but there are some potential risks involved, such as tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, and increased chances of developing cavities. It is important to consult with your dentist before deciding if bleaching is right for you.

Beautiful, white teeth are considered the most attractive business card of a person – they stand for health, vitality and success.

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